Monday, January 28, 2019

Responding to Comments on Social Media

Imagine you’ve just created your new social media page. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat all of these sites require the building and maintaining of mutually beneficial relationships with your viewers. This can be done in a multitude of different ways, but often the most effective method is responding to the various comments left by your viewers. Responding to comments shows your that you genuinely care about your followers and you actually take the time to read what they have written to you. It is important to remember that these comments may be both constructive and destructive to your image on social media so responding to them can be just as critical as the original post.

Now imagine that you had just uploaded pictures of your recent kitchen renovation to your social media page. It’s safe to say that you are very proud of your work and you want to show it off to your friends and family with the hopes of receiving positive feedback. Most of the time this is the case on social media, but it always seems like there is that one person who is just dead set on ruining your day over social media. These people can be referred to as "trolls" and are absolute cancer for any social media platform. That being said, it is important that you respond to both of these groups in a manner that will contribute to your post rather than take away from the post. 

For positive comments this is fairly easy, respond with a positive message that shows your appreciation for their praises. Your response does not have to be over the top, a simple “thank you” is often enough to show that your acknowledgment of the comment. Dealing with negative comments can be much more difficult because these often feel substantially more personal. This is where “defending your work” can turn into a full out argument very easily, and trust me, this is the last thing you want in your comment section. The best way to avoid this is to keep your number of responses to only 2. Your first response should address the initial comment in a respectful manner and your second response should only be used if there is a rebuttal to the first. Both responses should address whatever concern the viewer may have, while also remaining respectful and beneficial to your image on social media.

Responding to comments on your social media page is a great way to increase viewer engagement and keep the conversation going beyond the original post. Responding to comments is the easiest way to directly engage your viewers, and when handled correctly, can lead to an overall better experience for you and your viewers.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed how you mentioned the need for responses to comments on your social media page. It is super smart to keep up engagment and form that bond with them.
