Somehow or another I have procrastinated all of the assignments and projects I have due before Thanksgiving break and now we are two days away from the break and I am buried in school work. It is going to have to be a marathon of studying, writing and reading for the next 48 hours and I am the furthest thing from excited about it. I hate when I do this to myself, but it seems to have been a very common occurrence during my college career and has become even more prevalent during my senior year. Every time I find myself buried in school work with deadlines fast approaching I always tell myself, “Pressure makes diamonds." I know this is a pretty cheesy quote, but for some reason, it is often my source of motivation when I’m up at 3 a.m. working on an assignment that is due the next morning.
I feel like this problem is something I really cannot complain about because it is my own doing, there is no one else to blame but myself. Every time I make it through a hell week I tell myself, “OK, no more procrastinating, it’s time to start keeping up on assignments.” Unfortunately, I am rarely able to motivate myself and I find myself doing the next round of assignments at the last minute just like many of my other assignments that came before. I’m hoping this is something that I will grow out of in the real world, but for now, I am stuck in a paradox of procrastination and senioritis and I do not see myself changing my ways anytime soon.