Thursday, November 21, 2019

Burying Myself Alive

Somehow or another I have procrastinated all of the assignments and projects I have due before Thanksgiving break and now we are two days away from the break and I am buried in school work. It is going to have to be a marathon of studying, writing and reading for the next 48 hours and I am the furthest thing from excited about it. I hate when I do this to myself, but it seems to have been a very common occurrence during my college career and has become even more prevalent during my senior year. Every time I find myself buried in school work with deadlines fast approaching I always tell myself, “Pressure makes diamonds." I know this is a pretty cheesy quote, but for some reason, it is often my source of motivation when I’m up at 3 a.m. working on an assignment that is due the next morning. 

I feel like this problem is something I really cannot complain about because it is my own doing, there is no one else to blame but myself. Every time I make it through a hell week I tell myself, “OK, no more procrastinating, it’s time to start keeping up on assignments.” Unfortunately, I am rarely able to motivate myself and I find myself doing the next round of assignments at the last minute just like many of my other assignments that came before. I’m hoping this is something that I will grow out of in the real world, but for now, I am stuck in a paradox of procrastination and senioritis and I do not see myself changing my ways anytime soon. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bringing my Kitten Home to Momma

Image result for thanksgivingThanksgiving break is only a week away and I could not be more excited. I have not made the trip back home to New Buffalo, MI since before I moved back down here for the school year. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to go home at some point over this semester, I have just been ridiculously busy and haven’t had the time to set aside a whole weekend just to go home. This year going home is going to be much different than my other trips back home because I will be transporting my kitten with me. This should be an interesting adventure because the kitten has never ridden in the car for this long and my mom is allergic to cats so it should be pretty crazy once my kitten and I make it home. 

I have been telling my mom for months that I was going to get my own cat when I moved back to school this year and she just kept telling me “you better not”. Did she really think I was going to listen to her? Hell no! Within a week of moving back to school I had secured my kitten and the rest was history. However, I think I will have a good chance of winning my mom over because when she saw a picture of my kitten she said it was one of the cutest cats she has ever seen and it reminded her of the one she had when she was a kid. At the end of the day, I think everything is going to be alright and my mom, our dogs and my kitten are going to be one big happy family. 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Kitten vs. Devil Cat

I never thought I would say this, but my new mortal enemy is a cat. It’s not my cat though, it is one of my roommates’ cat. His cat’s name is Isabella and she is one of the biggest assholes I have ever met in my entire life. As many of you might know, I recently adopted my own kitten to raise in my image. Unfortunately, ever since my kitten moved into the house Isabella has been a complete jerk to him. She takes massive dumps in his litterbox and eats all of his food every chance she gets. And on top of all of this, she physically bullies my kitten by holding him down and biting his scruff. I know this isn’t really hurting my kitten, but it is just so unnecessary and I hate it. 

Luckily, my kitten is starting to grow more and more every day and he is finally getting to the point where he can defend himself from the devil cat named Isabella. He is just over three months old and he has tripled in size since I got him. Now when Isabella tries to hold him down he just repeatedly kicks her in the head as fast as he can until she lets him go. This always makes me very proud and I reward him with a buffet of treats and mirage of petting. I know one day sooner or later Isabella will start being nicer to my kitten, but until that day comes I will make it my life’s work to train my kitten to kick her ass.