Thursday, March 21, 2019

Life Without my Laptop

This last week of school I have spent more time in the library than I have in my entire career at Ohio Northern University. I have generally stayed away from the library because I prefer to do my homework from the comfort of my own room where I can watch TV while working. Unfortunately, I had this luxury taken away from me last week when the unthinkable happened. I was typing away at an assignment I had when all of a sudden my laptop just decided to shut down without any warning. When I tried plugging in the charger nothing happened and the screen just remained black. After messing with my computer and its charger for at least half an hour there was still no sign of life from my computer. When this happened, I knew I was in serious trouble because I rely on my laptop for every class that I am in. 

The next day I decided to take my laptop to Best Buy where I could have the Geek Squad take a closer look at what was going on. After removing the rear cover and conducting a thorough inspection of my laptop, the Geek Squad determined that my battery had gone bad and the only thing I could do was have a new one installed. The only downside of having the Geek Squad replace my battery is that it would take two or three days to get the replacement shipped. This means that I would be without my laptop for at least three more days while I wait for the new battery to be shipped and installed. This forced me to become very creative in making sure I was still completing my assignments for my classes.

My first choice was to borrow my roommate’s laptop whenever he wasn’t using it. This option quickly went out the window because my roommate has a big project due at the end of the week that he has been working on every minute he is not in class or sleeping. The only available times I could use his laptop were either really late at night or super early in the morning, and neither of these times was ideal for me. This left me with the option of going to the library to complete all of my assignments. I used to hate going to the library because the computers are considerably older than my laptop and they only work about half of the time. Printing from these computers is like a game of Russian roulette, you never know if it’s going to work or not. Despite the frustrations I have with the campus computers, the library actually provided a very productive environment. I was even able to complete more homework assignments much faster than working in my room because there are very little outside distractions to pull me away from my work. Due to this success, I plan on continuing my trips to the library even after I get my laptop back.

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