Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring Finally Visits Ohio Northern University

Spring has finally arrived at Ohio Northern University and spring fever is in full effect. More and more students are engaging in springtime activities and the spring sports are starting up for the year. Football is in the middle of their spring training camp, the track season is in full swing, the baseball team had its home opener yesterday and I’m sure there are other sports getting started that I am not aware of. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because it not only marks the end of the dreaded Ada winters but also marks the beginning of beautiful weather and gives a taste of what to expect from the summer. This is also the only time of the year when 50 degrees feels like it’s closer to 80 degrees and I can comfortably wear shorts and a t-shirt for the first time in months. As I’ve mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, I absolutely love wearing short-shorts and cutoff shorts and the spring provides me with the perfect opportunity to break out any new shorts I may have added to my collection. If it was up to me the only two seasons of the year would be spring and summer.

When spring comes around to Ohio Northern you can physically feel everyone’s mood improve drastically. During the winter everyone seems so glum and people become social hermits. They spend a minimal amount of time in the outdoors and never take the time to engage with their fellow students. As soon as spring rolls around this sense of isolation disappears almost immediately and people seem to start genuinely enjoying each other’s company. You can see clusters of hammocks spread all across the tundra, people playing frisbee or catch in large groups, joggers getting their first laps around the green mile of the year and other activities that cannot be enjoyed during the brutal winters we suffer every year. I have also noticed that people are much more willing to stop and talk between their classes and I have been able to catch up with a lot of friends that I haven’t even seen since the first semester.

Another great part about spring is the fact that we are that much closer to ending another school year and heading home for the summer. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with all of my friends here at school, but by the end of the year I am ready to head home and completely forget about ONU for three months. Spring is also an exciting time for the admissions department of the university because there is a high number of athletic recruits and prospective students visiting the campus for the first time. This is where they get their first impressions of the campus and can often be the deciding factor in choosing ONU to further their studies or athletic career. You never know when spring is finally going to come to Ohio Northern, but when it does it's accepted with open arms by everyone on campus.

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