Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Curse of No Internet

One of the biggest things I was excited for when I moved off-campus this year was getting internet that was much more reliable and faster than what has been provided on campus the entire time I have been enrolled at Ohio Northern. Unfortunately, this was only the case for the first week we had our internet. Since then the internet has been very sporadic for when it actually works and the connection speeds have been all over the place. On top of having the worst internet in Ada, my roommates and I decided that we didn’t need to get cable and we would just stream everything. In theory, this was a good idea, but in reality, this actually turned into a terrible idea because it has become impossible to watch anything in our house.

Image result for squirrel
The internet dilemma is forcing my roommates and myself to become a lot more creative in figuring out things to do in our free time. Some of our more conventional ideas have been playing board games and sitting outside by the campfire, but you can only play so many board games and have so many fires before you get bored of these activities. Recently I have taken up the hobby of squirrel watching from my front window and I think it is literally driving me insane. I’ve even tried to name all of the squirrels that hang around our house, but let’s be honest they all look exactly the same and move incredibly fast so it is nearly impossible to name all of the squirrels that hang out by my house. Nevertheless, it helps pass the time and adds excitement into my life every time I see what I think is a new squirrel to the family.

1 comment:

  1. Nick, I absolutely love reading your blogs. They are so funny. I am so sorry to hear about your internet though. But hey, you have a petting zoo to help keep you busy too. Let us know if you find any "squabbits."
