Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Ada Petting Zoo

Image result for zookeeper

It has been almost three weeks since I officially moved into my house for the year and it is slowly turning into a small zoo. The first animal to move into the house was one of my roommate’s dog. He has had this dog for two years now so this was no surprise to anyone. Not long after the dog moved in another roommate of mine decided to get about 20 fish. No one really understands why he decided to buy all of these fish, but I must admit they are pretty cool to look at and they definitely liven up the living room. The last animal to move into the house was another roommate’s cat. This cat kind of came as a surprise because my roommate found her outside at his work one day over the summer and decided to keep her because she is one of the most regal cats any of us have ever seen.

You might think a dog, a cat and 20 fish would be enough animals for one house, but not for our house. Not long after I moved into the house someone told me they had a litter of kittens and I could have one for free. How could I not pass up on this offer? In about two weeks I will finally be adopting the first cat I can call all my own. For the past two years of college, I have lived with a cat but it was my roommate’s cat so it didn’t feel the same as having my very own cat. I am very excited to adopt this cat and give it a great life.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of animals! We have a chocolate labradoodle living in our house and that is enough. I can't imagine more. Best of luck to you and your roommates this year! I am sure there will never be a dull moment.

  2. I wish I had this many animals in my house! I am allergic to cats though so I would have to keep that out of my own personal zoo.

  3. Sounds like your hands will be full. Does your landlord charge you a bunch to have so many pets? Mine would be an extra $35 a month.
