Friday, April 19, 2019

Home Sweet Home

Finally, home sweet home. I’ve been stuck at Ohio Northern University since returning from spring break and I couldn’t be happier to be back home. I have been going insane this past month or so working on assignments for all of my classes and taking exam after exam. Although Easter break is only four days long, it is a much-needed break from the stresses of being at college. I was also starting to get homesick for the first time ever and I have really been missing my family and friends from back home. Whenever I come back home I get to just live the simple life and I don’t have to worry about anything. Coming back home also provides a drastic change of scenery than we get at Ohio Northern. When I left school on Thursday the only thing that was green was the grass, when I came back home to Michigan all of the trees already had leaves on them, the flowers were blossoming and the smell of
spring is in the air.

I must say the two things I missed the most are my two dogs, Molly and Lucy. I have had Molly since I was in fourth grade and she is my best friend. Every morning when I wake up and open my bedroom door for the first time Molly is laying right outside the door waiting for me. I spend about five to ten minutes petting her before I can do anything else which is honestly the best way to start your day. Lucy is my mom’s little white lap dog that we have had for about four years now. Let me just say she definitely has that “small dog syndrome” and she likes to think she runs the house. As soon as I sit down in the living room she is already running across my lap and demanding that I play fetch with her. If you try to ignore her she sits there and chirps like a bird until I finally break down and play fetch with her.

Another great part about coming home is all of my favorite local restaurants that I can only have when I come back home. Unfortunately, a lot of them are still closed for the winter so I only have about half of the options that I would have during the summer. The one restaurant I was able to go to today is called Redamak’s. Redamak’s has been open since 1975 and they are known as “the hamburger that made New Buffalo, Mich. Famous!” This is a bit of an exaggeration, but the food is still really good. I always get a double Velveeta cheeseburger and eat it in about 30 seconds flat. Luckily since today was Friday I was able to get a “working-man special” which just means fries come free with your burger. Now that I’m home I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to come back to college, I love my life at home and the people that surround me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you had a good time at home! Your dog is super cute and that's definitely my favorite part about going home too! Only a few more weeks until summer!
