Sunday, April 14, 2019

Using LinkedIn to Promote Yourself

LinkedIn has become one of the most important social media platforms any business professional can have. It offers numerous opportunities for business professionals to advance their careers by offering them a platform to publish their resume online and apply for jobs through the site. It also offers employers opportunities to search for and screen potential employees. One of the greatest tools LinkedIn provides for business professionals is the ability to network with other professionals in their field or even in completely different areas of business. Building a network is one of the most important things you can do for your career because it allows you to establish relationships with other professionals and employers that can lead to new opportunities throughout your career.

94 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet potential employees and it has become the go-to service for professionals of all ages, from all different backgrounds. Because of this, it is very important that you promote yourself professionally on LinkedIn at all times. Promoting yourself professionally on LinkedIn includes sharing any job changes or career advancements, additions to your education, any big projects you have worked on for your company or anything else that showcases yourself and your career. LinkedIn is not the platform to share pictures from your epic spring break in Mexico. Posts like that are actually the last thing employers want to see and they will immediately pass over your profile if they see posts like this. Your profile not only represents you, but it also represents the company you work for so it is important that the content you create on LinkedIn carries the same values and beliefs as the organization you work for.

Aside from sharing information about your own career, another great way to promote yourself on LinkedIn is to share news and trends about the industry you work in. This shows employers and other professionals that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the industry you work in. Going this extra mile can help separate you from the millions of other professionals on LinkedIn and can be the difference between employers hiring you or just passing over your profile. Your LinkedIn profile is one of, if not, the most important tool you can use to promote yourself and advance your career. The more active you are on your LinkedIn profile, the more it can help you in your career. Never stop promoting yourself on LinkedIn because you never know who is going to view your profile and what job opportunities may present themselves. 

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