Sunday, April 7, 2019

Successful Content Creation

There are many things to consider when creating content for your blog, social media page, website or any other channels you may use to communicate with audiences. Content creation can be very important for your brand because it allows you to build strong brand awareness among your audiences. It also helps you gain respect and a high reputation in the industry as a trusted source. Content created for your blog or social media page will help with search engine optimization and make it easier for your audience to find you on the internet. Lastly, all of the content you create becomes an asset for any social media campaigns you are engaged in. The key for any form of content creation is producing original content that strongly aligns with the values of your brand and this content should support the overall message of your brand. There is no point in creating content on your brand's social media page or blog page if the messages you are creating having nothing to do with the goals of your company.

The easiest way to ensure that your created content aligns strongly with your brand is to implement a specific and organized content strategy that anyone who creates content for your brand can easily follow. The first step of creating your content strategy should be a thorough content audit that identifies the gaps and opportunities among fellow competitors on social media and evaluate the current needs and expectations of your current audience. This will allow you to gain the essential background information required to create content that is unique from your competitors as well as content that your audience will respond positively to and hopefully increase their engagement with your brand on social media. Once you have conducted your content audit you can begin developing the style guidelines and brand voice you want to be associated with your brand and its social media usage. All of your created content and assets should share the voice of the brand, person and various social media accounts. Consistency is key here, all of your content across the different social media platforms your brand may use needs to follow the same guidelines and brand voice so your audience doesn’t become confused when they view your different social media accounts or blog pages.

Now that you have your style guidelines and brand voice established you can start creating content and deciding which social media platforms you want to post this content to. Where decide to post your content depends on the length and form of the content you have created along with which audience are you trying to reach. For example, Facebook appeals to slightly older audiences such as people in their 30s or 40s. Facebook also allows its users to post longer, more substantial statuses and makes it really easy for these users to add pictures and photo albums to these statuses that enhance and reaffirm the message portrayed in the post. On the other hand, Snapchat is great for reaching younger audiences either in high school or college. Snapchat doesn’t allow users to create long messages in their post, however, places a large emphasis on a picture or video uploaded by the user. Knowing which platforms to use to reach certain audiences is just as important as the content you have created. If you don’t even reach your target audience, there is no point in even creating the content in the first place.

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