Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Resources to Improve Your Social Media Presence

When conducting your measurement and evaluation of your social media content, it is important to the key areas to invest money if you have the means and resources to do so. There are six key areas to invest in if you want to get the most out of your measurement and evaluation of your created and curated content. These six areas to consider consist of tools, people, consulting fees, research, education and promotion and sponsored content. The use of one or all of these six resources can drastically improve your ability to measure and evaluate the content on your social media page. Any professionally run social media page uses a combination of these resources and this is a leading reason for why these pages have become much more popular and renown that social media pages created by normal, everyday users.

Tools you can invest in cover everything from content creation, content monitoring, social media measurement, staff time and much more. Many of these tools are free for users such as Canva, Adobe Spark and Hootsuite and provide many valuable resources for content creation and monitoring. These free tools may have limited abilities or functions, so if you want to collect more detailed and specific information you can use paid programs such as Adobe Creative Suite to get a more in-depth analysis and more features for your content creation. People are the next thing you should consider investing in if you want to improve your social media presence and monitoring abilities. You shouldn’t just rely on interns running your social media pages because they are young, you should invest in social media professionals that know all of the ins and outs of the various social media platforms. If you do not want to take on a full-time social media team, you could always choose to hire consultants to improve your social media capabilities. These consultants are skilled in all aspects of social media and can be very useful for helping you with a specific project or social media campaign.

Research is something that often goes overlooked in social media, however, it is one of the most important aspects of social media and content creation. Research will allow you to identify and better understand your key audiences, while also allowing you to create effective and efficient social media content that will be highly appealing for the key audiences you have identified through your research. Education doesn’t necessarily mean taking traditional classes in a school setting, but investing in workshops or webinars to become certified in various social media tools and resources such as Microsoft, Brandwatch, Hootsuite, Meltwater and HubSpot. Becoming certified in any of these tools can significantly improve your knowledge and understanding of the social media world. Promotion and sponsored content are the last things to consider investing in to improve your social media accounts. Much of the promoted content is considered pay-to-play, meaning that the more money you pay, the more your content will be promoted across the social media platforms. This is something social media managers need to take into consideration and the must evaluate the goals and objectives of your social media campaign before you can decide how much you are willing and able to spend on these promotions. If you can develop an understanding of each of these tools you can use them to significantly improve both your social media presence and monitoring abilities for your social media accounts.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips to help improve social media presence! I know I need to put more research into social media projects I do!
