Monday, February 4, 2019

How to Avoid Being Clueless on Social Media

Appearing clueless to your followers is one of the worst things you can do as someone running a social media page. It is very important that you avoid looking clueless to your followers at all costs. Most of the time, people have no idea that they are coming off as clueless on their social media site and continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. The reason for this is that many of these mistakes are quite trivial and often go unthought of when a person is designing a social media page. For example, using too many hashtags at the end of a post can come off as clueless. A high number of hashtags at the end of a post shows that the user is trying to cheat the system or that they have no idea how a hashtag works. Two to three well thought out hashtags at the end of a post will have a much greater impact than 10 frivolous hashtags.

Another common mistake people make is not changing the stock cover photo on their profile. It doesn’t matter what social media site you are on if you do not change the stock cover photo it will appear as if you do not understand how the site works. A social media page is essentially your resume to the rest of the world, if you do not appear competent on your page no one will give you the time of day. Keeping this in mind, it is also important to avoid using profanity in your posts because you may come off as inarticulate. 

It is also important to never declare yourself an expert or guru on a certain topic. After all, there are no true experts in the world and you will just come off as arrogant by doing so. Continuing on from here, it is very important to never try to boss people around on social media. Your followers don’t want you telling them which pages to follow or what posts to view if they wanted this, they would have you manage their account for them. Lastly, you should never ask people to follow you, but when they do, you should make it a priority to thank them. When doing this you want to come off as genuine as possible, do not write the same cookie cutter message to all of your new followers.

These are just a few things to keep in mind to avoid coming off as clueless on your social media page. There are other aspects that are just as important to avoid this, but if you apply these concepts you will be well on your way to managing a competent, knowledgeable social media page.


  1. Very good and informative blog. Really lets me know what i should do epecially when learning to use the site and how impactful a cover photo is.


  2. Hahtags can be a great tool for taking advantage of the Twitter phenomenon. For businesses, using hashtags effectively will not only grow your followers and overall online presence, but also allow you to participate in an industry-wide dialogue. What are the most popular subjects...What are the least popular...Is there something that your industry is not Tweeting? 먹튀해시태그
