Friday, February 22, 2019

The Best Thing to Happen to Me at ONU

Today I am going to tell the story of the best thing that has ever happened to me while attending Ohio Northern University. My story began in October of the last school year. My roommate and I were walking back from the cafeteria when we noticed something quite out of the ordinary. A group of fellow students was all huddled around each other looking at something hiding in the bushes. This intrigued both my roommate and myself so we moved in closer so we could see what the other students were looking at. As we snaked our way through the small crowd we finally were able to see what everyone was so interested in. Sitting in the middle of the crowd was the smallest, most precious little creature I had ever seen. Curled up underneath a bush was this tiny little kitten paralyzed in fear cradling a piece of a chicken tender. I took one look at my roommate and I knew we would be taking that kitten back to our room that night.

Getting the kitten back to our room is a whole other story in itself. The entire walk back to our apartment that kitten put up one hell of a fight and spent the whole time clawing and scratching at whoever was holding her. When we finally got her into the room we decided to give her a bath in the sink. Let me just say this was a terrible mistake. I literally thought I was going to lose my life that night. Once we finished up cleaning up our little garbage kitten she did everything she could to hide from us in the apartment. After about an hour of some pretty intense hide and seek, my roommate was able to coax her out from underneath his bed with a handful of food. At this moment she did something that completely surprised us. Not only did she come out from underneath the bed, but she proceeded to eat the food directly out of my roommate’s hand. As soon as she did this we knew she trusted us and we could begin building a relationship with this innocent little creature.

Naming this kitten was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do as roommates in our three years at ONU. Our first crack at naming the cat was pretty pathetic, we came up with a name that was truly quite a mouthful. Kodak Cat the Girl Cat was our cat’s name for the first two hours she spent living in our room. It wasn’t until she got comfortable with us when her true personality starting coming out. Not long after she ate food from my roommate’s hand, the kitten started chirping and meowing at us in a very sassy manner. We didn’t know what to think, but we did know that we had to change her name. She needed a name that truly embodied her personality and characteristics. After hours of careful consideration, we decided on the name Lil’ Momma. This name has a certain amount of funk to it that fits the spirit and personality of our cat perfectly. 
Now that Lil’ Momma has been living with me for a little over a year, she has become the single greatest thing in my entire life. Every morning as soon as I open my bedroom door she is sitting right outside of it waiting for me. I am then greeted with a few loud meows and some aggressive rubs against my leg. She then follows me around the apartment all morning, keeping me company while I get ready for my day. I’m not sure what Lil’ Momma does all day while I am at class, but I know as soon as I get home she comes running from whatever spot she was napping in and greets me as if it was the first time she has seen me in years. No matter how rough of a day I might have had in class, it all goes away when I come home and see my fluffy little ball of joy.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story! It sounds like you and your roommates are giving Lil' Momma a great home and a happy life. Pets are such an important part of my life and I know that they can make a person's life so much better. Props to you and your roommate for rescuing Lil' Momma and taking good care of her. It sounds like an adventure you'll remember forever, I'm glad it all worked out in the end!
