Sunday, February 17, 2019

YouTube's Rise to the Top

Over the years, four main social media platforms seemed to have risen to the top: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. The first three platforms are all quite similar. They offer a place for the user to conveniently post longer, well-thought-out statuses that can be accompanied by pictures or videos. There are key differences between the three such as LinkedIn is mainly for business professionals and Twitter statuses are generally much shorter and concise than Facebook posts. The general layout of these platforms became the basis for many other social media websites that have come and gone such as Myspace and Foursquare. Back in 2005, a brand-new social media platform was created that was unlike any other social media site of the time. This legendary social media platform goes by the simple name of YouTube. When YouTube was first created it was the first website on the internet dedicated to video sharing, and now it has become a staple in our society as a place to find the newest music video or the latest Presidential speech.

YouTube took the country by storm when it was first launched, and it didn’t take long for the young social media platform to grab the attention of other tech giants and eventually the world. The video sharing platform started off with very humble beginnings with its headquarters being located above a pizzeria in California. Less than a year later, YouTube was already being sold for a whopping $1.65 billion dollars to arguably one of the biggest websites on the internet, Google. Even though the site was still relatively small and hadn’t even reached the UK yet, Google saw great promise in the platform and realized the unlimited potential for a video sharing website in the growing world of social media. It wasn’t until after Google bought YouTube that the platform reached the United Kingdom and eventually the rest of the world.

Today, YouTube has earned its place among the top four websites in the social media industry. With over 1.3 billion people using the site, 5 billion videos are watched every day and around 300 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute. The longer YouTube has remained on the internet, the broader and more diverse the content available has become. YouTube has always been known as a great place to find and share music videos, but over time it has become a place to find videos on just about any topic imaginable. With vlogger and gamer channels becoming increasingly popular, people are actually starting to get paid for content they create and thousands of people have made lucrative careers out of posting videos to YouTube. YouTube is changing the way the world receives its news and information and could very possibly eliminate the need for traditional tv providers in the near future. A survey conducted by Google in 2016 revealed that 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live tv. Google’s 2016 survey also revealed that on mobile devices alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49-year-old users than other broadcast or cable tv network.


  1. This is super interesting and I can definitely say I watch Youtube way more than normal TV and even Netflix, it's crazy how fast the platform is growing.

  2. It’s amazing how YouTube took off this fast and grew this big. But it’s true how many people watch it more than even TV.

  3. I never though of YouTube as a social media platform but now that I think about it, it definitely is a huge one! It is interesting to see how many people are on YouTube and how so many videos are always being uploaded!
