Sunday, February 24, 2019

Kuumba Fest at Ohio Northern University

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of attending Ohio Northern University’s Kuumba Fest. Kuubma Fest is held by the Black Student Union every year during Black History Month. The event was held in the Bearcave located in the McIntosh Center and lasted from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. With an emphasis on creativity, Kuumba Fest offered members in the surrounding community a place to showcase whatever talents they might have. Performances included group and solo musical acts, spoken word poetry, ribbon twirling and even a competition to see who had the best waves in their hair. Along with an impressive showcase of various talents, Kuumba Fest also held two different fashion shows which were both quite untraditional in nature, while also being highly entertaining and informative.

The first fashion show starred members dressing in the fashions of influential African Americans throughout history such as Josephine Baker and Trayvon Martin. This take on a fashion show was very interesting and provided a lot of information that I have never been taught before regarding the African American community. The second fashion show depicted several variations of the “blackout” style. Members wore different styles of all black clothing such as black jackets, black sweat pants or black jackets and some sort of accessory that wasn’t black such as bright yellow shoes, a gold chain or earrings or a red hat. Kuumba Fest was unlike any other ONU event I had ever been to and it was a very eye-opening experience that I look forward to participating in next year.

 While attending Kuumba Fest, I took the opportunity to live-tweet highlights from the event. I wanted others in the community to not only learn about what Kuumba Fest was but also to keep those who were interested caught up on the action from the event. You can catch up on what happened at Kuumba Fest by viewing my Twitter profile, @NykQwik. The tweets containing information about Kuumba Fest are marked with the hashtags #SMspring2019 and #ONUKuumbafest. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very cool experience! Had no idea this was an event at Ohio Northern. Might have to check it out next year
