Thursday, February 7, 2019

My Unusual Collection of Shorts

It’s official, predicting the weather at Ohio Northern is as easy as trying to predict the winning Powerball numbers. Just last week we were caught in the middle of the polar vortex, which brought a wind chill of -40 degrees. In less than a week’s time, the temperature has literally risen by 80 degrees. Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, it’s still only 40 degrees outside, but that feels a hell of a lot better than the frigid temperatures of the polar vortex. This was all I needed to justify busting out my favorite pair of short shorts. What a time to be alive! Not only are short shorts some of the most comfortable things you can wear, but they also make you feel like a rock star when wearing them. After all, how many guys do you know wear short shorts to class when its only 40 degrees outside? On days like today I think it’s safe to say that I was the only one on the entire Ohio Northern campus wearing short shorts.

Short shorts weren’t the only odd article of clothing I got to break out this week. This warm weather has also blessed me with the opportunity to dig my cutoff shorts from the depths of my dresser. Growing up cutoff shorts were a staple of my wardrobe, but it wasn’t by choice, it was by necessity. Throughout my entire life, I have spent years riding skateboards, longboards, BMX bikes, and even dirt bikes. Over these years I had my fair share of wipe outs and with these wipeouts I have ripped more pairs of jeans than I can count. Rather than just throwing them away or walking around with holes in my pants, I just decided to turn them all into shorts. Pretty soon I had more cutoff shorts than actual jeans in my closet. Of course, my mom hated this dingy style of mine, but that only made me want to wear them more.

Fast-forward to my last three years spent here at ONU. Not much has really changed, short shorts and cutoff shorts are still my favorite things to wear. I love my crazy shorts so much that I have learned to hate wearing pants. The only time you will catch me walking across campus wearing long pants is if its unbearably cold outside or I have to wear a suit. Any other time you can catch me rocking short shorts, cutoff shorts, or at the very least above the knee shorts. Some people might think I’m crazy, but I think the more time I spend here on campus, the more acclimated my body will become to freezing temperatures and brutal winds. By the time I graduate I’ll be able to rock my short shorts in the coldest of temperatures.

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