Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Things to Consider Before Working in Social Media

The use of social media has become integral to almost any business or organization in today’s society. Not only are these businesses or organizations using social media to promote a new product or service, but they are also using social media to research potential employees and job applicants. Hiring managers who look up potential employees on social media are just as interested in how you present yourself online as you do in person. As social media becomes more widespread throughout the business world, more and more social media positions are being created in companies and organizations. Once created these jobs are constantly evolving as the various social media platforms evolve, so it is important that whoever is filling these jobs is not only willing to evolve along with the social media platforms but also truly passionate about social media and willing to fully invest themselves in the position. 

If you are interested in working in social media, there are certain employer characteristics you must consider before you can decide whether or not your social media skills will be an asset at that company or organization. The first thing you need to look at is a portfolio of the work the organization has done on social media. You want to figure out what kinds of things the employer is posting on social media, what platforms they tend to use and who is generally responsible for the things posted on social media for the company. The next thing you will want to asses at the company or organization is the overall culture of the workplace. This is true in any job position, not just work in social media. You want to make sure the work environment offers you opportunities to grow, learn and contribute to the greater good for your clients. You should never find yourself working in a toxic environment because this will severely inhibit your ability to perform your best work. 

The last thing you need to consider is the organizational structure for social media use by the company. Basically, you need to understand that the position you report to defines the skills and attributes you need to include in your work on social media. For those reporting to a chief marketing officer, you will need to be able to highlight the market team’s goals, objectives and language for reporting and creating content. If you are reporting to a chief editor in the journalism field you need to understand the writing, reporting and research requirements as well as the importance of deadlines. Social media use varies from company to company, from job title to job title, so it is important that whoever is working in these positions is willing to adapt and learn the best ways to utilize social media for whatever company or organization they are a part of.

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