Thursday, February 14, 2019

My Extravagant Spring Break Plans

As we move closer to the first week of March, excitement for spring break is spreading across ONU’s campus. In pretty much every class I go to I can hear my peers discussing their big plans for spring break. The most popular destination discussed is by far the beautiful state of Florida, however, I have heard people talking about going to Vegas, California, New York City and even places you would never even think of such as Utah. This is awesome for the people who are actually going on these trips, but if you someone like me, it sucks because I know I won’t be going anywhere exciting for spring break. Last year my friends and I got the entire trip planned out but when it was finally time to actually go on the trip no one had the money to pay for their share. It was devastating, but life moves on. Although I won’t be heading anywhere exotic for spring break this year, I do look forward to making my first trip back home since returning from winter break. Who knows, maybe I’ll even take a dip in the crisp, 33-degree water of Lake Michigan. 

With New Buffalo, Michigan being a popular tourist destination in the summer, you would think it is just as popular for spring break. Wrong! Even if it is 80 degrees outside during the week of spring break, the water temperature is still barely above freezing. New Buffalo remains a ghost town until Memorial Day weekend. In the months between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the town of New Buffalo literally doubles in size as tourists from Chicago flood in and take over the town. This is a major part of New Buffalo’s economy and the town depends on this tourism every year to survive through the winter when there are only 1,876 locals left in the town. Over half of all the businesses close during the winter months, leaving practically nothing to do for those stuck there in the winter. Unfortunately, spring break is technically still in the off-season of New Buffalo so I will have to be creative in finding things to do during my week off.

Most of the time when I go home for spring break the first half of the week revolves around me being camped out on the couch binge watching whatever show I am into at the time. Once I get bored of doing this, I usually try to find some sort of landscaping work to do so I can come back to school with a little bit of money in my pocket. I always try to use the money I make over spring break to do something either fun or nice for myself that I normally wouldn’t do without the extra cash. This year the main priority is Apple AirPods. I have been wanting a set for about a year now and this spring break will provide the perfect opportunity for me to raise the funds to make this extravagant purchase. Maybe when I graduate and start making big boy money I will actually be able to go on an exotic spring break trip to Cancun or Hawaii. But until then, I’m just going to focus on living my best life here at Ohio Northern University.

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